Monday, 26 May 2008

Look who's talking

Everyone has been saying how much I've been talking recently. I don't think it's that I'm talking more, but maybe it's that suddenly I am able to express what's going on in my head. Sometimes I really struggle with that. There's so much I want to say, but I just can't seem to find the right words, or get it out of my mouth, and then I get very frustrated. Mommy is very good at asking me questions to help me express what I want to say, but even she has trouble understanding me sometimes.

Like today. We drove in the car to go and help some people who were in trouble [victims of the xenophobic attacks. Ed]. As we were leaving again, I saw something on the ground. I asked Mommy what it was, and she said it was a type of leaf, and that it had died.

Last weekend I had watched 'The Princess Bride' with Mommy and Daddy, and there's a scene where the Man in Black is lying 'mostly dead' on a table. I kept asking Mommy and Daddy why he was lying on the table, and they kept saying he was 'mostly dead'. I didn't understand, so I kept asking why he was dead.

So when I saw the dead leaf today, it reminded me of the Man in Black on the table. Since I still don't understand what 'dead' or 'mostly dead' mean, I'm still confused by that scene, so I started asking Mommy about it again.

She got very confused, because she didn't know what table, or man, I meant, and I couldn't explain to her that I meant the man from The Princess Bride, because I didn't know what the movie was called. After quite a long time though, Mommy did figure it out, but by then I was bored of that topic, so I'd moved on to talk about the trucks going past us and traffic lights letting us all take turns at crossing the road.

It's very frustrating being little!

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