Wednesday, 27 February 2008

I can read!

Here I am ... reading and writing. Mommy gave me a special stencil and I can already read the T, R and Z, as well as the 4. Who's a clever girl then?

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Things I like to do

I like watching TV. I love it SO much. I also like baking with Mommy. Here we are making biscuits. I got to mix. I like mixing. I also got to cut out the biscuits. I made a man, and a Christmas tree and a star.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Horsing around 2

At a beach birthday party at Fish Hoek. I loved the trains that roared past the beach every few minutes! Putting on cream is a very important part of my day. Playing in Ouma's garden, on her new bridge that Oupa built, trying to catch the fish I helped Oupa catch and making tea from the pond water.
Two dummies! Going to work - see my bag and my keys, and my hat.
On a trip to Andre's Farm.

Horsing around 1

Feeling sick on Christmas day - NOT IN THE MOOD for playing games!Visiting my cousins on their farm... the Christmas elf was NOT IN THE MOOD (not surprisingly, given that I was sick)
Back home and feeling fine! Yippee! Slide! Whee!