Thursday, 8 December 2005


We’re home!! We’re home!!
Coming home I was a bit emotional. Having been on the same ward for over a week, and having had complications, I got to know the staff quite well, and found it really hard to say goodbye, knowing that I’ll never see these people who played such a crucial role in Janel’s first hours and days again. It was also rather a reality check coming home – piles of laundry to do, general house cleaning to do, and decisions to make about what to buy and where to put everything, not to mention the awesome responsibility of caring for a (prem) baby on our own.
Our first night was an anxious one, for me anyway! For one thing, it’s a hang of a lot quieter than the ward, so every time Janel whimpered even slightly, I was awake and aware. For another, it was too cold for her. We don’t have the heating on at night because the flat is kept nice and warm by the others around us. However, we realised that after the warmth of her lovely incubator, Janel found it too cold for sleep and consequently spent a lot of the night niggly and whimpery. She was in a less good mood today as a result. (She definitely takes after her mother in this regard!) We don’t want to leave the heating on all night every night, so we#ll have to have a play around over the next week to find the right balance.
Having said that though, she is such a good baby! We went shopping today for all the things we hadn’t yet bought, and were out for about 3 hours. Not once did she whimper or cry or cause a fuss in all that time! What a blessing she is!

She also had her first bath today! She really did not like the water (as you can see), but then I’ve heard that apparently few babies do initially.
Speaking of unhappy – I hear her crying… feeding time!

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