Following my visit to the GP, I’ve been taking my steroids, and the coughing has stopped, which is great! I still get twinges every now and again, which are very sore, but I’d say it’s 100% better now. In fact, I even managed to pack the car when we went on holiday last week, picking up suitcases and things (carefully, of course).
We had a lovely time away – very restful! It was rather a shock coming back to the stress of home and moving. The bank has stuffed up royally, so I’m not even sure we will be able to sign the lease and move. It’s all supposed to be happening today, but I don’t think it will.
It also seems now that I’ve entered the indigestion phase with a vengence! Not very pleasant, but at least treatable with no side-effects for baby. I’m not sure though how much is baby related and how much is stress related. In any event, the amount of stress I feel can’t be good for the baby! I recently read an excellent book called ‘Why love matters’, which looks at (amongst other thigns) how hormones in utero play a major role on the baby’s emotional development (and not just their mental development). Stress in the mother apparently causes the child to have a reduced ability to develop empathy, and also causes the child to develop receptors that reduce it’s tolerance of stress. Hmm…
I guess I need to eat some chocolate, watch a good chick flick, and just generally chill out then, eh?
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