Mommy is very silly. We went out to Kirstenbosch (a VERY big garden) yesterday, which was very nice. (I got to see a fountain, chase some geese, roll on the grass, and eat the chocolate off Mommy and Daddy’s Magnum icecreams). While we were there, Daddy, Mommy and me were all playing together. Daddy was tickling Mommy, and Mommy called Daddy a bad name. She said Daddy was ‘mean, horrible, nasty’. And I said, “No, Mommy, Daddy no nasty.” Mommy and Daddy both laughed at me when I said that, but I’m not sure why.
Today I also made Mommy and Daddy laugh. I took my little blue bag that I sometimes use to pack my bathing things in if I’m going to bath at someone else’s house, and I packed some bath things in it. Then I pretended to be Mommy, leaving for work.
“Bye Mommy, I’m going now.” I then walked out the room. Then I called from the kitchen (just to check Mommy was still playing with me and listening to me), “Mommy! I’m back now,” and ran back into the room for a big cuddle and kiss. We didn’t do the ‘last touch’ game at the window because I’m too little to reach up to the window by myself from outside. I wonder if Mommy got as upset when I left as I do when she leaves?