Wednesday 26 December 2007

Christmas illness

I’m sick. I’ve had a horrible fever for days now. It was so bad Mommy and Daddy bathed me in cool water, which I hated. I cried all the way through. But today I feel better. Now I have a rash all over my body. It’s called Baby Measles, which isn’t real measles, but it looks similar. I haven’t really eaten in days, and Mommy and Daddy are very worried about me.

I got lots of presents. I like my presents. Granny gave me furniture for my dolls’ house and I’ve already spent a lot of time playing with it.

Today was very busy - we had all of Daddy’s family over for lunch.I was so wound up I couldn’t go to sleep afterwards. When Mommy made me lie in bed I slapped her on purpose. She got really mad with me. I haven’t seen her that mad before, but I was mad with her too. Mommy and Daddy made me say sorry, but I didn’t want to. It took a long time till I said it - a whole 5 minutes. Mommy said I was naughty, that slapping people was ugly and not ok, and took my dummy away until I had said sorry. Afterwards she lay on the bed with me and gave me a nice cuddle.

I got to stay up late tonight. I REALLY didn’t want to sleep (I’ve been doing a LOT of sleeping over the past 4 days and I’m sure I’ve slept enough to last me a lifetime). But I’m in bed now.
Tomorrow we go away on holiday! Yippee!

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