Tuesday, 4 October 2005

3rd trimester already!

I can hardly believe that I’ve already reached the 3rd trimester! 26 weeks! We’re into the final stages now…
I feel even more huge than ever, although everyone says how tiny my bump is. Looking at some of the other women at the clinic today, I have to agree. I am tiny. Definitely in the round, rather than a protruding bump. The blessings of a first pregnancy and unstretched muscles I suppose – except that that means the baby pushes on your organs more….
Had a slight concern at my check-up today as it looks like I may have developed diabetes. It doesn’t come as a surprise – I’ve always been on the high end of the normal bell curve where it overlaps with the diabetes bell curve, so I’d anticipated getting it during pregnancy. At this stage, they’re not going to do anything about it, just monitor it at the next check-up. Less biscuits for me then….
I’ve also picked up a cold – nothing too serious – which means my heart rate is up even more, and I’ve been feeling rather faint. Still within normal rates, I’m assured, but definitely higher than normal for me. Even the short trip to the clinic today (by car!) was enough to lay me out for a bit afterwards.
Sensibly, and before anyone tells me to take care of myself, I’ve taken time off work, so hopefully this won’t go down into my chest, which is when my other normal problems tend to arise. Given that the weather has turned, and winter is definitely on its way, I need to avoid getting worse at all costs, and I’m being good and taking care. Can you imagine trying to give birth with bronchitis or pneumonia??? Nah, thanks, I’d rather not!
On the up side, my leg cramps seem to have all but disappeared! I still get twinges, but nothing near as bad as previously. While my sleep is now less disturbed by them, I’m starting to find turning over in bed difficult and that because of my bump pulling my spine in odd directions, my back is getting sore at night.
I’ve taken to having extra pillows for support for the first part of the night. They’re too much hassle to sleep with the whole night – making turning over a complete nightmare – but at least it seems to have stopped the backache.
The other up is that the Tissue Oil my mom sent me (South African miracle skin product!!) has stopped that horrible stretching sensation – both muscular and skin. I use it religiously every morning, except on weekends when my morning routine is different, and on those days I can really feel the difference! As yet, no stretch marks either.
Baby is doing well – kicking ferociously now, especially any time I raise my voice (usually to tell a kid off for not doing their homework…) or use my stomach muscles or change sitting/ sleeping position. All the measurements are normal, and the heart beat sounds normal. We’re still no nearer to naming her, although *ara variations are all high on the list (Tara, Zara, Lara, Cara, etc.). We’re in no hurry about this – when we see her I’m sure we’ll figure out what suits her best.
OK – time to rest some more while I can.

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